MVTA School Board Rally

MVTA is having a School Board rally this Wednesday, April 18th.

5:30 - 6:30 p.m.: Dinner will be provided by Taco Man Catering

6:30 p.m.: School Board meeting start time

Consider telling your professional story.

RSVP Your Attendance:  Use your personal email (not your district email address) and send a confirmation by Tuesday, April 17 at 12:00 to Jenny Siebel (MVTA Organizing Chair) at and let her know how many (if any) are coming with you.


PS. If you did not receive an email notifying you of the school board rally on April 18th, please go to the "Contact" tab on this website and enter your contact information so that we will be able to send you any future updates that cannot be sent to your district email address.